Seasonal Vaccinations
Spring 25 campaign start and end dates
Vaccination for all eligible cohorts should begin from 1 April 2025 at Kirkburton Health Centre.
Priority should be given to older adult care homes and eligible housebound patients.
The campaign end date will be 17 June 2025.
The announced and authorised cohorts for the spring 2025 programme will cover:
adults aged 75 years and over
residents in a care home for older adults
individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed, as defined in COVID-19: the green book, chapter 14a; Tables 3 and 4
This includes those who will turn 75 years old by 17 June 2025. They will be eligible for a vaccination at any point in the campaign. Those who are new residents in an older adult care home or become immunosuppressed by 17 June 2025 are also eligible.
An invite will be sent to all patients who are eligible for the Spring Covid Vaccine Booster.
Nasal Flu - All eligible patients will be invited to book into our nasal flu clinics over the next few weeks in readiness for our vaccination programme starting on 3rd September.

All eligible patients will be invited to book into our nasal flu clinics over the next few weeks in readiness for our vaccination programme starting on 3rd September.
Flu Clinics - We will be sending our invites shortly to all eligible patients. This will have a direct link to enable you to book your own appointment. Our flu clinics start on 5th October. If you are not able to use the booking link, please contact the surgery after 2pm Monday to Friday.

RSV Vaccines - As from the 1st September 2024, there is a new vaccine available. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is for patients who are aged 75 to 79 years old and also for all women who are 28 weeks pregnant on the 1st September. For all patients who are eligible you will receive an invite from the practice shortly. For further information please see Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination programme -