
How to Order Your Repeat Medication

Highlighted below are the options for requesting medication:

  • Online - register for online request of repeat medications and appointments
  • Once you have online access, you can use the patient access app to request your medication
  • Written request (posted or left in our medication request box)
  • Pharmacy Phone App
  • Setting up repeat dispensing, so that you don't have to order your medications any more!

Please note that for your safety, we cannot take verbal requests for any medication over the phone or in person. We do however allow exceptions for individuals who are housebound and have no access to online services.

Please allow at least 48 hours for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip. Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.

Please remember to book blood tests at least one week in advance of your medication review if required.

Private Hospital Prescriptions

Please note that referrals into the private sector may mean you have to pay for private treatment, tests or prescriptions that may not be available on the NHS.  Sometimes, you may be issued a private prescription.  If you wish for this to be converted into a NHS prescription, we require a minimum of a 48 hour turnaround.  Please be aware that not all prescriptions that are available privately are available on the NHS. 

Travelling Abroad

If you need medication for a stable long-term health condition, we can supply you with a prescription for extra supply of medication to cover your holiday abroad. The maximum duration of additional medications supplied on the NHS is 3 months for most medications.

Before we can supply you with medication to cover your holiday, the GP will need to consider factors such as the type of medication you are taking and local polices around supply of medication to cover long holidays. For example, if you are taking a medicine which requires you to have regular monitoring or blood tests, your GP will need to consider this. Therefore, you should arrange to see your GP several weeks before you go away on holiday to discuss this.

Will my GP prescribe medication in case I'm ill when I'm away?

Please talk to one of our GPs about this. We will only give you an NHS prescription if we think that you need the medication. In most cases you will be advised to seek medical attention local to where you are staying as a temporary patient at a GP practice or if you are abroad seek medical attention at a local health provider.  

Check what medication you can take

Before you travel, find out if there are any restrictions on taking your medicine in and out of:

  • the UK
  • the country you're visiting

Some medicines available over the counter in the UK may be controlled in other countries. For more information, see Can I take my medicine abroad? and What is a controlled medicine (drug)?

When you return

If you're given any medication while you're away, try to find out if it's legal to bring it back into the UK. If you're in any doubt, declare it at customs when you come back. Read the answers to more questions about travel health.